VIP Class Notes (Jesse) [W]


Writing exercise

University benefits more on individuals and society than just helping graduates get better jobs. University is actually not a place to help individuals to find a job because there is no guarantee of a place at work or job training involvement in the university class. University is a place to teach academic knowledge and Individuals will use the knowledge to decide what they want for life. A university degree maybe can help individuals to get an interview opportunity easier, however employer want to see more than just a degree, such as the communication skills, passion at work and plan for future. Majority of work skill need to learn from workplace. Society doesn’t need more alike people at workplace, but need more creative and passionate individuals to change the place where they are. More importantly, with the knowledge from university, it equipped individuals skills to achieve what they would like to achieve.

University life is an important transaction timing for each individuals because it can be seen as the last stop of student life before going to society. Students are not just learning a more specific skills for work, but to discover what they want for their future. Unlike high school, there will be more freedom in time, which give individuals to explore and try many different things. Many people will meet their love of life, best friends and passion for the rest of their days. Society still has a sort of control on the individuals while they are in university, and once they entered society, they will be an independent individuals. There will be no more classroom to go, but society will becoming their class.

University benefits individuals & society more than just helping graduates get better jobs, and is actually not a place to help individuals to find a job because there is no guarantee of a place at work or job training involvement in the university class. Being a place to gain academic knowledge which individuals will use to decide what they want for life, universities also offer degrees which may / might be able to help individuals to get an interview opportunity easier. However, employers want to see more than just a degree, such as communication skills, passion at work and a plan for the future. The majority of work skills need to be learned from the workplace and society doesn’t need more alike people in the workplace / at work, but needs more creative and passionate individuals to improve and develop the place where they are. More importantly, with the knowledge from university, they are able to achieve what they would like to achieve.

University life is an important transition time for each individual because it can be seen as the last stop of a student‘s life before going to / entering society. Students are not just learning more specific skills for work, but discovering what they want for their future. Unlike high school, there will be more free time / freedom in terms of their schedule, which gives individuals time / opportunities / the ability to explore and try many different things. Many people will meet the love of their life, best friends and passion which they will enjoy for the rest of their days. Society still has a sort of control on the individuals while they are in university, and once they enter society, they will be an independent individual / member of society. There will be no more classroom to go, but society will become / be their class.

I enjoy coffee which I will do for the rest of my life.
I go to many meetings every day which are compulsory to attend
I go to many meeting every day which makes me really tired and which I hate doing but have to.

time – period

timing – synchronise 2 things 

point in time – a specific moment

with the knowledge from university, they are able to achieve what they would like to achieve

Majority of work skills need to be learned from the workplace. = People need to learn the majority of work skills from the workplace