VIP Class Notes (Jesse)


throw it / throw it away – ren diao

one time – once 

average – ping jun
eg. I was a below average student at school

description accuracy

customer service speed 

repeat customer 

administration – I do a lot of admin using excel and word
admit – to accept responsibility / I admit that I killed the plant
approach – My approach to teaching is to talk and write notes. I approached the girl sitting at the bar.
assume – to guess and think that it’s true. – Oh sorry, I just assumed you were Chinese…
authority – Summer has the authority to decide what type of lights to use
candidate – When Trump was a candidate for president, he was really mean
century – 100 years – in the last century, we have had a big technology change
citizen – I’m a citizen of Australia
civil – it is my civil right to say what I think
claim – to say that sth is true although it has not been proved – I claim to have 10 years of teaching experience
commercial – I don’t like tianzifang because it’s too commercial
conference – I went to a conference for my company’s end-of-year meeting
Congress – the congress voted in favor of the law
consumer – companies must understand who their consumers are