VIP Class Notes (Jesse)

PAST TENSE constant self-correction 


it has been 10 years since i received a gift
i moved to Shanghai in 2015 = since 2015 I have been living in Shanghai

I lived in my HT until I was 15. After that I moved to Shanghai and I have lived here since then.

I lived in Australia until I was 27 so I couldn’t speak Chinese until I moved here.

since = describes the start time (from)
until = describes the change / end time (to)

i would be feel that i would feel 

i would be happy / i am happy 

i like giving gifts for my friends give gifts to my friends 

when i back from another countrywhen i come back from another country / go back to 

return some gifts for my friendsreturn sth to sb 

we have a friendship / we are friends 


doll – “dolla” – then “doll”

door – “doora” – then “door”