VIP Class Notes (Jesse)
fracture (not very serious) / break (more serious)
eg. I fractured my arm
ice skating
eg. I went ice skating with my friends and I fell
stop myself falling / brace yourself
eg. i just put my arms out as a reaction
take it off < > put it on
when i was young – when I was little
itchy / scratch
eg. my arm is itchy but I can’t scratch it
test lab – testing of automotive components (us), testing of all electronic goods (them)
introduce company (subsidiary)
Hi, I’m Echo, I’m the key account manager at the KunShan lab and this is the Shanghai team which includes the engineers, sales, and management team. We’re really happy to meet you and have you visit us here to see what we do. I hope you had a nice flight and you’re enjoying your time in Shanghai. If there’s anything you’d like us to show you here at the lab, or if you have any questions please just ask me. I will be your main contact during your stay, and will help to translate between yourself and our staff here.
Before we get started, maybe you could tell us how much you already know about who we are and what we do, so we can get a clear idea and help you to get more familiar.
He talks.
Ok that’s great. So, let me first start by introducing the lab in general, some details about our history, organisation structure, and personnel to you. Then i’ll go through each part of the lab and what kinds of products we generally test, and how everything works.
Show PPT
So that’s all we have for the presentation, now, unless you have any questions we’d like to show you around the lab, and I will do my best to translate as much as possible… but let me just apologise in advance as I am not an engineer so some of the terms I use may not be perfect, but I will try my best.
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