VIP Class Notes (Jesse)


Use the words from today in some writing. Why should you exercise? Do you think running in the cold or heat is better? Why? 


Betty’s doctor told her to exercise more. So she began running. She enjoys running. She runs almost every day. She runs two miles a day. On the weekend she runs five miles. She runs up hills. She runs down hills. She runs in the street and on the sidewalk. She runs on trails. She runs in the heat and the cold. She runs on sunny days and rainy days.


more = duo yi dian / geng duo

exercise = jian shen

began = start

enjoy = like doing sth
eg. I enjoy studying English

what does ____ mean?
I don’t know what ____ means.

km / miles 
km = 1000m
miles = 1600m

weekend = zhou mo

hill = pa shan

sidewalk = ren xing dao

heat (n)
cold (n / adj)
eg. I like to run in the cold, not the heat

energy – neng liang
eg. I drink coffee because I want to get more energy