VIP Class Notes (Jesse) [63]


she loves to bargain

she will tell me in the next 2 days 

demo class / trial class – shi ting ge

I’m used to it – xi guan ta

they’re money hungry – they want more and more money
they’re cheap – they don’t want to spend money

credit – the amount that customers have prepaid and still can spend
value – the amount sth is worth / maybe people would buy it for that much
cost – the amount that you paid for sth


I was busy for my weekend –  I was busy on the weekend 

she will consider if the class is suitable for her

i have to see how is going of my facei have to see how my skin is going.

how are you?
I don’t know how you were.

I got better – I became better


orientation – oh ree yen tay shen 

Writing exercise

Hi Jenny, good morning. I made some before and after photos and you can see the result is very good! Would you mind if I use the photos to show our customers and for advertising?

Speaking exercise

Our Sofwave device has some problems and then the sofwave company get back the machine to somewhere in Australia and then they sent a demo machine to us and then they said you can use the machine until your machine come back. There are many shots which is for free. Because I don’t have machine to use it right? So there are many customer join the membership, they still have many value in their accounts and then I say you don’t need pay extra to me, you can use their value to use it.