VIP Class Notes (Jesse) [61]

Writing exercise

Due to Yingying and Virgo can’t to come working so I instead of Virgo and Ashley instead of Yingying for this two weeks and we started so busy from last week . I woke up earlier and I went out at 7:30am because I wanted to go to the store preparing everything before the customers come for their treatment so I didn’t stay in the cafe this morning .there are three workers only included me and Ashley and Grace , Grace can’t do everything expect body massages .

Due to the fact that Yingying and Virgo can’t to come to work so I replace Virgo and Ashley replaces Yingying for this two weeks and we started to be busy from last week. I woke up earlier and I went out at 7:30am because I wanted to go to the store to prepare everything before the customers come for their treatment so I didn’t stay in the cafe this morning .there are three workers only including me and Ashley and Grace , Grace can’t do anything except body massages .


Could I just confirm is it LDM + Pico or just Pico?

age / old < > young
height / tall < > short
weight / heavy < > light
eg. my age is the same as you / I am as old as you
eg2. my height is the same as you / I am as tall as you
eg3. my weight is the same as you / I am as heavy as you

eg. the speed is too high

eg. I will let her contact you soon


I work instead of you
I work with you
I replace you

must / can / should / would / can’t / will – special verbs you can put with other verbs
I can go
I must go
I should go
I will go
I can’t go

we weren’t together = we were not at the same place

we aren’t together = we brokp