VIP Class Notes (Jesse) [54]

Writing exercise

We went to sailā€™s restaurant last Thursday which we hadnā€™t been to. My son has been excited for there because he thought it was a sailboat and we can have a dinner on the boat😅.He had a bit upset about this because itā€™s not a real boat and he asked his Dad a few times when we can go into the boat . For me , I like the restaurant because these things : the first one is the good view and the restaurant is at the Lavender Bay and we were so lucky to have sited by the window table, we can see the sea and Sydney Harbour Bridge . The second one is the food , they provide good quality food and good services for us 🏼. The third one is the restaurantā€™s environment is so romantic also I like the light and music makes customer feels so relaxing.

We went to sailā€™s restaurant last Thursday which we hadnā€™t been to. My son has been excited about it because he thought it was a sailboat and we can have a dinner on the boat😅.He was a bit upset about this because itā€™s not a real boat and he asked his Dad a few times when we can go into / get on the boat. For me , I like the restaurant because of these things : the first one is the good view and the restaurant is on Lavender Bay and we were so lucky to sit by the window table, and we can see the sea and Sydney Harbour Bridge . The second one is the food , they provide good quality food and good service for us 🏼. The third one is the restaurantā€™s environment is so romantic and also I like the light and music makes customers feel so relaxing.


as far as I remember / from what I rememberĀ 

mature – cheng shu – “ma choo wer”


I hope my speaking can be as good as you one day

my English is well – my English is goodĀ 

it’s right next to lavender bay / it’s right on lavender bay

there were

they are

they can ask the questions that they want to ask
they can ask what they want to ask