VIP Class Notes (Jesse) [52]

Writing exercise

My eyes full of tears and flow down to my face because I was upset with a TV program when I had watching it . I tried to control my tears because I don’t want anyone to see it as I was in a cafe. I can’t believe the story will happened in the real life

My eyes were full of tears and flowed down to my face because I was upset about a TV program when I was watching it . I tried to control my tears because I don’t / didn’t want anyone to see it as I was in a cafe. I can’t believe / I don’t think the story would happen in the real life


complicated – fu za

he’s a good actor 

i blacklisted her / i put her on my blacklist

infamous – “IN fehmous” – famous for a negative thing

probation period – the first 3 months of working somewhere


My student, who is the boss of a salon, has class with me
Virgo, who was my colleague in HK and worked with me there, still works with me in Sydney.

the trainer, who is the same one that trained me, is very patient and has really good skills

I went to BT which sells really good cake and bread, to buy something for virgo.