VIP Class Notes (Jesse)

***next class pronunciation + bring PPT when you have it.


get well soon / feel better / i hope you get better soon 

he likes making legohe likes playing with lego / building things with lego 

what can you do there? / how do you say…? – you = anyone 

each one bought one thing / each of them bought one thing

my nephew is 1 year older than my son

did you have the same thing when you were young, or do you have brothers and sisters?

eg. the parents spoil the kid so he is spoiled

i’m my mothers favourite

physics – science

physical – to use the body to touch / related to something that is real

improve – ti gao
eg. I want to improve my english

miscarriage – when a baby dies before being born

premature – before ready
eg. the baby was born 12 weeks premature