VIP Class Notes (Jesse) [40]



sound – anything
voice – speaking

have a baby – to give birth and then the baby is yours

give birth – the baby comes out

eg. When I gave birth, I didn’t have a c-section, I had a natural birth

domestic violence – when a husband or wife hits the other

cosmetic tattoo therapist

westerners < > asians

smooth curve
eg. chinese people prefer smooth curved eyebrows

polite – li mao

jail / gaol – the place you go when you get arrested


there is a lady to talk to me – there was a lady who talked to me 

I haven’t learned that word before
I didn’t know that word before
I had never learned that word before

she was with me when I gave birth 

when i came in china – when i came to china

they don’t like HK control by CN they don’t like HK to be controlled by CN

when he starts at kindergarten, there will not be free food


policy – POL li see

invited – in VAI ted

Needs more review

arrest – the police get you
eg. the police arrested him