VIP Class Notes (Jesse) [33]

Writing exercise

I went to the health clinic in the Westfield this morning and I got my blood test results .Doctor told me I have thyroid problem so I need to do another blood test 6 weeks later . The doctor gave me some
advice to improve the problem , she asked me don’t eat a lot of seafood and try to control my temper . I bring my son to playground which is free in the Westfield after my doctor appointment . He was so happy and we stayed over there for 1 hour later , we decided to go to upstairs for dinner, I ordered some sushi roll and KFC for our lunch , and then we walked home at 1:00pm .

I went to the health clinic in the Westfield this morning and I got my blood test results. The doctor told me I have a thyroid problem so I need to do another blood test 6 weeks later / in 6 weeks . The doctor gave me some advice to improve the problem , and she told me not to eat a lot of seafood and try to control my temper . I brought / took my son to the playground that is free in the Westfield after my doctor‘s appointment . He was so happy and we stayed over there for 1 hour later . We decided to go to upstairs for lunchand I ordered some sushi roll and KFC for our lunch , and then we walked home at 1:00pm .


encourage – say jia you / try to make sb not feel scared

he went down the slide by himself

slide (n / v)
eg. I slide down the slide

thyroid – tongue out!!!

I have painful – I have some pain in my leg
it hurts / it aches
it is sore 

describe – xing rong

badminton court
basketball court 

peace / peaceful 
eg. It is peaceful when I am by myself
eg2. I want more peace in my life

gossip – ba gua
eg. girls always like to gossip!

I couldn’t care less!! = I don’t care at all

least – zui shao
smallest – zui xiao

procedure – like an operation / surgery …sth serious / professional processes


Have you had any serious heart operations before?

speed – how fast you are
height – how tall you are
age – how old you are
length – how long sth is


that = tells us which one you mean
which = adds details

2 days ago < > in 2 days

I said “you are my student”
I said that Dion is my student

she said “dont’ do this”
she said not to do this