VIP Class Notes (Jesse) [29]


I spotted it – it came into view

let me take a look 

look through 

scream / yell / shout

shouted – “shao ted”

curious – hao qi

sketch – casual drawing

peer / stare / glare 

toward – in a direction
eg. I turn to you / I turn towards you
eg2. I throw it towards him = i throw it in his direction

investigate – look into sth / research sth

tiny – very very small

wave – hello / goodbye
nod – yes
shake your head – no

save face – yao mian zi

find blame 

I had a fight last night with Steven so I was in a bad mood all night and it’s affecting my mood today.


tail – taaa eeee l
tell – tel


I want him can do – I want him to be able to do it

I don’t want him to just guess what I want.. I will tell him directly.

I don’t want to waste time to fight with anyone

Speaking exercise

last time i have a customer i say that day is our training day. we waste 4 hours for training, and i wanted to be able to get the new package and she hesitant to paid.