VIP Class Notes (Jesse) [28]

Writing exercise

Violet and Wally love exploring and they wanted to be famous explorers in the future. Violet would like to find an interesting sea animal that they can sharing with schoolmate on show-and-tell at school next day,they had to finish the homework first today . They had seen a lots of creatures before ,but Wally doesn’t know what is clown fish and flamingo tongue snail, Wally thought it was a tiger and leopard , Violet knew it and then explained to Wally.

Violet and Wally loved exploring and they wanted to be famous explorers in the future. Violet would like to find an interesting sea animal that they could share with schoolmates in show-and-tell at school the next day, so they had to finish the homework first today . They had seen lots / a lot of creatures before ,but Wally doesn’t / didn’t know what clown fish and flamingo tongue snails are, and Wally thought it was a tiger and leopard, but Violet knew it and then explained it to Wally.

what is … ?
what it is.

I don’t know what you want.
I don’t know who you are
I don’t know what they are
I don’t know what a clown fish and a snail are.

What is a clown fish and a snail?


explore (v)
eg. explorers like to explore and go on expeditions

eg. teachers like to teach and do teachings for students

fascination (n)
eg. i have a fascination with grammar

fascinate (v)

interest (v) / (n)
eg. collecting luxury bags interests me / collecting them is interesting / I am interested in collecting them

material – like leather / plastic / etc..

magnificent (adj)

let’s get take-out / take away (for dinner)

hang out – spend time with sb
hand out – sth you give to people
eg. the teacher asks the students to hand out the handouts

scream (very strong) / yell (strong)

sigh – ahhh… ayoo….
eg. don’t sigh at me!!
sign – 标志