VIP Class Notes (Jesse) [8]

Writing exercise

I introduced my cousin to join the English class to Jesse . I wanted my cousin can improved her English level it’s because she wants to stay in Australia in the future .She agreed with me it’s because I was taking twice a week of English class and she said “you are much more confident when you speak English, I am not as confident as you , but I want learn from you to do right things , follow your plans is always right “ I am very happy with this because I affected people around me .

I introduced my cousin to join the English class with Jesse / I introduced my cousin to Jesse so she can join his English class. I want my cousin to improve her English level it’s because she wants to stay in Australia in the future .She agreed with me it’s because I was taking 2 English classes a week / I was taking English classes twice a week and she said “you are much more confident when you speak English, and I am not as confident as you , but I want to learn from you to do right things. Follow your plans is always right “ I am very happy with this because I affected people around me .

Needs more review

strict – yan ge


logic – luo ji

taking 2 classes a week
taking class twice a week

diet – what we eat / eating plan
eg. I’m on a diet = I’m trying to lose weight
eg2. My diet is really good = what I eat is healthy

lose weight
eg. she wanted to lose 10 kg

fingers crossed!! – I hope so!!

fried chicken – zha ji

passed away – when someone dies


advertising / ad – guang gao
eg. we posted an ad


nothing can do I have nothing to do / there is nothing I can do 

that timeat that time

she’s the best sellingshe’s my top sales person 

a photo about Ashleya photo of Ashley 

in front of me

he doesn’t want me to worry

bring – brought (past)

she’s looking like Chineseshe looks Chinese 

reply her reply to her 

during = in the time / within a period of time
eg. during my class, I learn a lot from Jesse
eg2. during my day I have had / seen / done treatments for 5 customers

I have a phone which Steven bought 1 and a half years ago.
I have a phone which I use every day
This is a bed which I use for customers
This is a towel which I use for customers to wrap around their head if they feel it is too tight

she started to work in our store a few months ago 


she – “shee