VIP Class Notes (Jesse) *** when / which / where etc

snorkeling – “snor ke ling”
eg. I went snorkeling last week in Thailand

enema – “eh ne ma”

colon – “coh lon”

colon cleanse 

life guard

let myself more sensitivemake myself more sensitive 

self nature – human nature 

it’s on a whole other level

i never had a single girl do sth – single = not even 1

save face 

train – “trayn”
eg. when the train started moving

eg. just a disclaimer, the teacher isn’t very experienced, so if the class isn’t great, it’s not my problem

this inspired me / this is really inspiring 

once you know, you will understand.

upon knowing, you will understand

because / once / before / after + sentence
because of / upon / beforehand / afterward + noun / + nothing

Writing exercise

The Anatomy workshop in Beijing
This was a 3 days workshops, this session was talking about Shoulder and Arms ,
Hand adjustment is the essence of the treatment,
Teacher Sherri used White Tara as a metaphor.. White Tara has 7 eyes , the eyes on her hands symbolizing ultimate wisdom and compassion when give the adjustment, the palm becomes the the other eye- sensory acceptor that is really inspired me. as a yoga teacher often time when we learn the new techniques but impatiently we want to present all the skill in the class or apply it on the students,
A good treatment is increase students’ mind and body awareness and eventually they can become more indepxendence

The Anatomy workshop in Beijing

This was a 3 day workshop, and this session was talking about Shoulders and Arms. Hand adjustment is the essence of the treatment.

Teacher Sherri used White Tara as a metaphor.. White Tara has 7 eyes. The eyes on her hands symbolize ultimate wisdom and compassion. Upon adjustment, the palm becomes another sense receptor which / and that really inspired me especially as a yoga teacher when often we learn new techniques but impatiently we want to present all the skills in the class at once or make the students apply them immediately.
A good treatment is increasing students’ mind and body awareness and eventually they will be able to become more independent.