VIP Class Notes (Jesse)

1.Tell me about a challenge you had to push yourself hard to overcome

2.Tell me about a time you worked in a team and had to manage a conflict / Tell me about a time you had a disagreement with a colleague / your boss / Tell me about a time you changed the mind of a group of people / an individual

3.Tell me about a challenge you had to push yourself hard to overcome

4.Tell me about an achievement in your work experience.

my anothermy other colleague / another of my colleagues 

I stood nearby

neutral perspective

we 3 – the 3 of us 

make sure everyone’s opinion is felt to be valid   

she’s too demonstrated – domineering 


argue / fight / have conflict / have disagreement 

stay true to myself / be confident in what I know is the right thing to do

selfless < >  selfless

do the minimum – do the basic / be lazy

quality is important to me
take responsibility for the task that you were assigned 

complete – comprehensive

pull together all of the channels of information to develop a comprehensive analysis / understanding