VIP Class Notes (Jesse) (from 39)


conspire / conspiracy = plot

amidst – during + within
eg. amidst all the drama, he has remained sane

adamant – stubbornly determined

pose – pretend to be sth
eg. he posed as my teacher, but actually wasn’t qualified

trek – hike

bounty / bounty hunter – a price put on someones capture / death
eg. the bounty hunter cut off the head of the wanted man and delivered it to collect his bounty

seal / block / close off

resurgent / insurgency / surge 
eg. the republican party has been resurgent in recent years due to the lack of support for Obama’s policies

deduce / deduct / deduction
eg. i deduce from this conversation that you love the communist party.

flay – to whip / torture
eg. he was flayed while tied to a stake

groom – to prepare sb for sth that you want (often selfish reasons)
eg. some men who are sick groom children by giving them candy etc