VIP Class Notes (Jesse)


Use some of the vocabulary from today in some writing. Choose a topic that lets you use the words we learned.


appearance – outside

the one momentthe instant / the moment / right at that time

we had a long date – went out for a few hours
we dated for a long time – a months / years

flaws / weaknesses < > strengths

bossy / overbearing – too much / strong to be able to accept
eg. I was a bit overbearing in my last relationship

I can’t bear it

domineering – sb who completely dominates everyone around them
eg. he was a really domineering person

dominate – to completely win / destroy sb

rich + wealth = to have a lot of sth (usually money, but also anything else)
eg. I have a rich life = great life with lots of amazing experiences
eg2. this mango is really rich = sooo much flavor

Yesterday, I saw an interesting & funny / humorous piece of news about a Russian pilot who raised a tiny / newborn baby bear. It was like a child to him and also treated the pilot like a (doting) parent. I saw the beautiful & adorable / lovely pictures about the bear inside the airplane and even in the cramped / cozy < > spacious / roomy cockpit.


when you have a long day with this guys when you and the guy are together for a long time / when you are with this guy for a long time

I very am happyI am totally happy / I am totally free

change myself for him
change myself to match him

these things not influence our relationships these things don’t influence our relationships

