VIP Class Notes (Jesse)

Next Class Focus

Next class with Jesse: talk about prepositions (jie ci) – which ones have which feeling?


the class before last – shang shang jie ke

speak / talk / say 
speak – use a language / communicate
talk – ability / communicate
say – to speak words + meaning
eg. Nina says that Jesse is a nice person / Nina says “Hello Jesse, you are a nice person”
eg2. Nina spoke to Jesse in English and she said “hello”. Jesse was happy when he was speaking / talking with Nina, so Jesse said that he was happy.

I put on my hat
I am wearing my hat / I wear a hat
I take off my hat

the clothes look good on you / your shirt looks great on you

simple < > complex / complicated
eg. Nina thinks English grammar is so complicated!


you can’t want a verb you can only want a noun
I want to be home / I want to go home
I want chocolate

I want to run
I like running
Running is fun
Games are fun

I hope that one day..

(verb) that + sentence
I know that your name is Nina

(noun) that / which + sentence
I have a computer that is black / which is black.
(sentence) that / which + sentence
I bought a computer which was fun

I went to the shops (which are very popular) and then I bought some fish at the market (which took a long time)

that / which = and it
what = the thing
where = and at that place
eg. I went to a cafe where I can buy good coffee = I went to a cafe and at that place I can buy good coffee

I am upstairs / I am here / I am in here
I go upstairs / I go there / I go to Shanghai

I hope I can say a complex sentence

I want you / I kill you / I punch you / I love you / I hug you / I give you
I talk to you / I think about you
I talk / I think