VIP Class Notes (Jesse)

Rick & Morty – tv series

incites – “in site” – to create / cause issues such as riots or violence in large groups of people
eg. making racist statements in public can incite violence on a large scale

procure – “preh kyou er” – to buy / acquire sth
eg. Rick needs to procure enough supplies to give Negan or he will kill them all

to keep sth at bay – to control it and keep it from advancing
eg. healthy living and exercise can keep sickness at bay

seduce – to try to make someone interested in you sexually
eg. she wore sexy clothing and danced around the room to try to seduce him

elapse (v) / lapse (n)
eg. he had a very small lapse of concentration which led to the car accident
eg2. only a short time has elapsed but it feels like ages

menstruation – the process of getting your period
eg. I started going through menstruation around the age of 12

I’m on my period / It’s that time of the month 

retribution – payment of sth that you owe for doing sth bad (revenge)
eg. retribution will be carried out in due time

char-grilled chicken / charcoal chicken

charred = burned to become black and hard
eg. the charred remains of the zombies littered the room filling us all with dread

ransom (v / n)
eg. they ransomed her for 100,000 dollars and the parents of the girl paid the ransom

refrain – to avoid / try not to do sth
eg. i will try to refrain from asking you about your family history …

abduct (v) = kidnap (abduction)
eg. they abducted the little girl from right outside her house

cache – “cash” / “caysh” / “cashay” – a hidden supply of good / ammo / guns / food etc

retrieve = to get sth back
eg. dogs are often used to retrieve things for their owners

reveal = to show sth that was hidden initially
eg. it was revealed at the end of the series that Negan finally was killed by Rick.