VIP Class Notes (Jesse)


loan – get money for some time but you must pay it back with interest.
eg. the interest rate on the loan from the bank is 7%

how big was the loan?

how old were you when you got the loan?

inflate – to make bigger
eg. i often inflate my stories to make them sound more interesting

car dealer – a place you can go to buy a car

fireworks – yan hua

new-car-smell – the smell of a new car

seat (cars, movies…)/ chair (normal chairs)

expressway / highway / motorway 

potter around the city – to drive slowly around the city

at first – use this for things you did before but they have changed
eg. at first i thought shanghai was really dirty but then i realised it’s not
first – xian / di yi ci

inevitable – sth that will eventually happen
eg. change in china is inevitable