VIP Class Notes (Jesse)
midday – noon
in a boring way
eg. the teacher was teaching the subject in a really boring way
above < > below
slopes – the place where you can ski
eg. she can go to the slopes near the school
they’re ordering their own business – running / owning
we never imagined we would / could send my daughter there
spin (to go around itself) / orbit (to go around sth else)
she can make up her own mind about everything – own decisions, opinion, judgement…
employment rate
eg. how important is it to keep the employment rate stable?
entrepreneurial spirit – the personality that means you want to have business, ideas, make money, etc..
stretches – to move your body to feel more comfortable
eg. he does some stretches every day
take responsibility for them
he mostly followed his dad’s ideas / he almost always followed his dad’s ideas
I have a little bit busy – I am a little bit busy
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