VIP Class Notes (Jesse)


TMI = too much information – people say this in awkward situations when you say too many details

weights – lifting heavy things to try to get muscle
eg. at the gym I did weights for 1 hour

challenged (has a problem / disability) / challenging (difficult)

main reason / main thing – the most important thing that affects sth

learned to swim (learning skills)

study English (gaining knowledge)

I don’t have any interest in it / I’m not interested in it

breathe freely – to have freedom in your breathing

after a while

50m – 1 lap in the pool

the progress from 100m to 2km took 4 months

do sth without being disturbed / do sth in peace

the bigger the pool the colder it is. 

meditation – ming xiang

we discuss something / we chat about sth / we talk about sth

Uncle Prickly – Klopp’s nickname


last year I swimminglast year I was swimming every day