VIP Class Notes (Jesse) [W]

Next Class Focus

Watch an Australian tv show

Writing exercise

In the last class, I mentioned how Sherlock being Watson’s best man, and today, I would like to write about the story of Watson’s wedding. According to the schedule, Sherlock helps Watson to welcome the guests in front of the gate and says hello to everyone, but Sherlock is nervous and his smiles too fake, which make the guests feel so weird. In the middle of Wedding, Sherlock need to have a speech about his best wishes to the new couple, especially his highly appreciation for Watson as the best man. But he says a lot of embarrassing things about Walton first, when all the people think it will be a horrible speech, unexpectedly, Sherlock says “but he is the only person who can accept a weird friend like me and stand by my side with no hesitation always, Mary, the man deserves your love”. It makes all the guests moved deeply.

In the last class, I mentioned how (the way) Sherlock became Watson’s best man, and today, I would like to write about the story of Watson’s wedding. According to the schedule, Sherlock helps Watson to welcome the guests in front of the gate and says hello to everyone, but Sherlock is nervous and he smiles in an overly fake way / too fakely, which makes the guests feel so weird. In the middle of the wedding, Sherlock, as the best man, needs to give / do a speech about his best wishes to the new couple, especially his high / great appreciation for Watson but, instead, he says a lot of embarrassing things about Walton first, and when all the people think it will be a horrible speech, unexpectedly, Sherlock says “but he is the only person who can accept a weird friend like me and stand by my side with no hesitation always, Mary, the man deserves your love”. It makes all the guests deeply moved / it deeply moved all of the guests. 


give / do a speech < > watch a speech / see a speech

You know how (the fact that) bags in China are expensive? Well, you should go to Europe to buy them.
I read a book about a story where (in the story) a man met a woman.

predictable – you know what will happen
eg. I felt that my life in Australia was too predictable

stable (adj) / stability (n)
eg. I think stability is really important. Right now my job is really stable so I feel safe.

courage (n)
encourage (v)
courageous (adj)
eg. I have no courage so I need you to encourage me and then I will become courageous.

is it worth it?

it’s not worth it / it’s not a good deal – bu hua suan
eg. if you go to Europe but don’t buy expensive bags it’s not worth it

when i realised what i really wanted

you’re so pickedyou’re so picky 

picky (negative) / high standards (positive)


repeatedly – “ree pee ted lee”