VIP Class Notes (Jesse)


I yonly want it

元音 connect to 辅音
Vowel connect to Consonant
I like it = I lie kit

元音 connect to 元音
Vowel connect to Vowel + y / w

last letter of first word is A E I, add Y to the start of the next word
Me and you = me yand you

last letter of first word is O U, add W to the start of the next word
Blue and green = bloo wand green
Who are you = hoo waar you

owna (Australian) – owner (American)

the Netherlands – soft “th” – neh ther landz

situation – sit you ay shen 


it gets progressively less

the majority of law firms are male dominated

make compromises for their family / prioritize their family


several of my female colleagues

translation text book translated text books