VIP Class Notes (Jesse)


Write – focus on nouns (which one, how many), verbs (time)


How are you? = what is the way that you are?
eg. how do you get to work?
What = which thing = What is your name? / what is this? / what do you say?
eg. My name is Jesse / This is an apple / I say “hello
Do you like coffee? / Do you know my name?
eg. Yes I do
Are you happy? / Are you Laura? / Is he fat? / Is he running
eg. I am here / I am Jesse / I am happy / I am running

would = if + will
eg. if it didn’t rain yesterday, I wouldn’t have been unhappy
eg2. if I was rich, I would be happy
eg3. What would you do if you had a lot of money?
eg4. I think yesterday would have been good! Why didn’t you come to my party?
eg5. When I was living in Australia, I would always see my mum. = story telling English
could = if + can
eg. If I had a lot of money I could buy a house
eg2. If it didn’t rain yesterday I could have gone out.

should = sth you are expected to do / you expect
eg. I shouldn’t smoke
eg2. I should come back home at 4pm

wanna = want to
gonna = going to
coulda = could have

you train sb how to do sth (skills / method)
you teach sb sth (knowledge / everything)
eg. I teach my students ideas and I train them in how to speak well.


last class I was ask you – last class I asked you

do these sentences have the same meaning 

if I want make a sentenceif i want to make a sentence

I have 2 cup of coffee before I came to here I had 2 cups of coffee before I came here