VIP Class Notes (Jesse)


bun – bao

they didn’t have the dog on a leash 

microchip – a computer chip your put in an animal to keep track of it

slaughter / butcher – a strong way to say kill / sounds like killing an animal


boycott – stop buying products out of protest

bar hopping – going from bar to bar

curfew – a certain time you’re not allowed to be outside after

strict – strong rules / ridged

unavoidable – can’t avoid

inevitable – sth that will definitely happen

mitigate – to make the effect of sth less / to lessen the results

dampen (effect) / muffle (sound)

don’t be sarcastic to him / with him

dump < > humid
eg. winter in Shanghai is very damp
eg2. it’s really humid in Shanghai during summer

I am free of my heart = I’m not controlled by it
I have freedom of sth = my heart’s freedom

identify and acknowledge baggage 

closure (n) – sth you get when you feel the story of an experience has ended and has a conclusion
eg. I haven’t got closure on that experience

north east of china – outside of China
north eastern china – inside China

i deeply believe the philosophy of ashtanga is touching. Asana is just one of the ways to reveal your raw heart. Keeping daily regular practice uncovered the freedom within my heart. Any restriction may come from your current life, your past, or your experiences. The route you take must be through / This freedom is on a path of disciplined regular practice, observation and being conscious every moment.