VIP Class Notes (Jesse)


how’s it going mate? = haaz ehh gaaan mayyyd?

quit / leave

twice a week

classification – a group / status of a movie (PG, thriller)

trilogy – 3 books in a series

I can’t speak English
I’m not able to speak English

attracts me / keeps my attention

engaging – very interesting (like it’s attacking your senses)
engage the enemy = attack
get engaged = to married / become together

main character – your role is part of your character, so are your looks, backstory, etc..
role = position

assassinated – killed professionally

nobleman (rich and important man) fought in the war

TV show – dian shi ju

horde = orcs, undead…
alliance = humans, dwarves…

guild – a group of players in a team that are like a family

vanilla WoW – first release
burning crusade – first expansion / first update
2nd expansion

make me can relate makes me able to relate 

strategy game


cause – “corz” – Australian English