VIP Class Notes (Jesse)


them – pronounce the “e” like “egg

game – “gaym


she’s working as an escort = prostitute

i will escort her home = help her to get home

enslavement / enslave 

treason – crimes against the state / government

futile / futility / futilely
eg. trying to fly is futile… we don’t have wings

septic – sickness relating to infection

imminent – coming soon / definitely will come
eg. the end of the world is imminent = it will happen any day from now…

secedes – to pull out / stop participating

expedition – journey somewhere for a specific purpose

disguise – to wear sth / change your appearance to pretend to be someone else
eg. he disguised himself as a monkey and ran through the forest

treacherous – evil / tricky / traitorous

ember – the hot pieces of wood / coal etc left after a fire has finished burning