VIP Class Notes (Jesse)

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similarities – things that are similar
eg. there are many similarities between us

inspect – to check sth formally

consistent – always the same or very similar

inconsistency – when 2 things are difference
eg. there is some inconsistency in the data

discrepancy – a difference between the recorded data and what it should be
eg. there is a 10 RMB discrepancy

concluded / conclusion 
eg. they concluded that it was the kids

grounded – when your parents stop you from going out or doing anything
eg. i was grounded for 1 week

incorporate – to let sth in
eg. I always try to incorporate grammar into every class
eg2. if you have dinner with a group you should try to incorporate the new guy into the conversation

jolly – happy and fat

nerve-wracking / nervous
boring / bored
interesting / interested

seduce – to make sb like / love you by doing sth – controlling
eg. some very pretty women will try to seduce the police so they don’t have to pay a ticket

flirt – to act like you like someone (boyfriend)
eg. my boyfriend was flirting with a girl and it made me jealous

dress up – wear some special clothes
eg. I always dress up before a party

indulge / indulgent 
eg. I am trying to just indulge myself for the next few months


explained it a lot / in detail 

similar to

from – far feeling
to – closer feeling
different from / to 

far from < > close toÂ