VIP Class Notes (Jesse)


curriculum – a course structure that’s set / learning outcome
eg. the curriculum for SE includes grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation

plateau – from improving to not anymore
eg. my English has plateaued recently

detour – make the trip longer because you go off the planned route
eg. I went to SE but I took a detour on the way to get coffee  so it took a while to arrive

shortcut < > long way round 


the studio i working beforei used to work at 

we are going have teacher training there – we are going to have a teacher training there

would = will + if
could = can + if
eg. If I had a million dollars I could buy anything but I would buy a house

Would you mind if I ask you a question?

If you had met Michael Jackson, what would you have said?

If in the future I had / have a lot of money, I wouldn’t buy a house.

I am here / I have been here / I will be here

Heidi has spoken to me – active
I have been spoken to by Heidi – passive

Heidi will speak to me – active
I will be spoken to by Heidi – passive

Heidi is speaking to me – active
I am being spoken to by Heidi – passive

she has had a miscarriage once before 
she miscarried last week 

She is optimistic – normal time / no time
She is being optimistic – now
She has been optimistic recently – past, general time
She was optimistic yesterday – past, specific time

You have had lots of experience. If you hadn’t had that much experience, you wouldn’t be able to teach like that.

If I could travel back in time I would do it differently.

We have class on Sunday, don’t we?
You are Heidi, aren’t you?
We are going to have a dinner, aren’t we?
You want to go to Japan, don’t you?
You like coffee, don’t you?
You’re happy today, aren’t you?
You’re coming to class now, aren’t you?