VIP Class Notes (Jesse)


Write a bit about your recent life / work – what’s happened? add as many details as you can.

Next Class Focus

How are you / conversation starter.


though…. but….though …… use 1 conjunction for every 2 ideas
I’m here, I’m happy.

how to sayhow do you say 

similar with similar to / different to
the same as

our chinese studentsChinese students

gay people / black people
eg. he’s a gay / those gays / you black people
eg. there are many gay people in the world / there aren’t many black people in Australia

when you learn English for 3-4 yearsonce you have learned English for 3-4 years, you realise…


subtle – very slight / small feeling – hard to notice
eg. there is a very subtle spicy flavor in this whiskey

bullet train / fast train – shinkansen

characters – wen zi / han zi

cherry blossom / sakura 

missing yourself – lose yourself
eg. after a few years you start to lose yourself in the vocabulary

apparently – I heard that / from what I know…
eg. apparently, Apple is the 3rd biggest phone selling company in the world

obviously / clearly – it’s easy to see / know
eg. obviously I’m not a native speaker

devoted to my work – the amount of time, energy, importance that you place on it

focused – to give your attention to 1 thing
eg. I try to focus on my daughter rather than watch tv or anything else

concentrate – to use all of your mental strength and focus for 1 thing
eg. When I study, I need to concentrate, or I can’t remember anything

she has what to eat, what to play withshe has what she needs to eat / she has something to eat 

I know what you want to eat = I know the thing that you want to eat

it’s about quality, not quantity 

check on your daughter – make sure she’s ok
check your phone – have a look

i used to use English a lot – i did it before but not anymore

in one week i can speak English once or twice / have the ability to / am able to 

take into reality – turn it into a reality / make it a reality / make it real / make it happen 


colleagues – col leegz