VIP Class Notes (Jesse)

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review last writing + email service


pet hate – sth just you really hate
eg. that’s a pet hate of mine / that’s one of my pet hates

command / order – ming ling

give him the finger – to put your middle finger up

this is the first time for me to spend time with her family / meet her family
this is the first time I have met her family

take / snatch / grab
eg. the kid just snatches everything he wants

finish / start – use this for lots of things (chi wan, zuo wan, xia ke, xia ban…)
eg. he finished his meal and he thought we should stop too

situation – qing kuang

specific – te ding

demon < > angel

meet / know 

eg. I met my friend 2 years ago so I have known her for a long time
eg2. I know my friend very well

eg. she disguised herself as a nice person

polite – li mao

strict – yan ge / xiong
eg. I am very strict with my daughter

play – kids / games / sports …

spend time with / go out / hang out / travel  – do these things as an adult

looks like a nice person / look happy
seems like a sth / seems happy

You talk about your friend.
Jesse says “she seems nice”

Today you wear bright colors and you smile a lot.
Jesse says “you look nice today” / “you look like a nice person”

You tell me how you helped a man on the street and gave him money.
Jesse says “you seem / sound like a nice person”

They know but they just do it anyway

person = 1
people = 2 +


the = this / that
a = any
eg. I had a coffee this morning

I went to the cafe this morning.
Oh Jesse, do you mean the cafe downstairs?
Yes I do mean THAT cafe.

I had the cake this morning.
What cake do you mean? Was it your birthday?
Oh no, sorry, I bought a cake from the cafe yesterday. I thought you knew that already!

I like coffee.
I like the (that) coffee from starbucks that / which you bought me yesterday.
I like coffee from starbucks.

they will be kind to her
they are kind to her
they were kind to her

they usually saidthey usually say 

I don’t know what she is like / what her personality is

when everyone eating – when everyone is eating 

I very angryI was very angry 

I should be polite