VIP Class Notes (Jacob)


Fighting – hitting each other

Rock, paper, scissors: 石头,布, 剪刀

Rock – 石头

Paper – 布

scissors – 剪刀

Winner – 优胜者 someone who wins a game
eg. Leo is the winner of rock paper scissors

Loser – 失败者 person who does not win a game
eg. Jacob is a loser because Leo won at rock paper scissors

Champion – 优胜者 person who is the best at something
eg. Leo is the champion of rock paper scissors

strawberry/Vanilla/Chocolate ice cream

Image result for neapolitan ice cream

mother’s sister – Aunt

Mothers brother – uncle

Throw – 扔

Toss – 抛

Shoot – to try and get the ball in something, to use a gun

Hop – a small jump (like a rabbit)

Kayak – 皮划艇

Dirt – 污垢


Today I was fighting with my classmates

Leo loves white chocolate

Jacob and Leo both love white chocolate

Today we ate an ice cream sandwich with chocolate cookie and vanilla ice cream