VIP Class Notes (HowHow / Jesse)

Speaking exercise

2 days ago my friend hurt his leg so his leg was very sore and he usually hopped around after that. Because a person use a small football to kick his leg and his leg broke. Then he went to hospital to see the doctor. The doctor did something with his leg and then he went home and went to sleep. 1 days ago he went to school and i took his bag to the classroom and another friend help he to went to the classroom.

2 days ago my friend hurt his leg so his leg was very sore and he usually hopped around after that. Because a person kicked a small football and hit his leg, his leg broke. Then he went to hospital to see the doctor and the doctor did something with his leg and then he went home and went to sleep. Yesterday he went to school and i took his bag into the classroom and another friend helped him to go to the classroom.

Needs more review

