VIP Class Notes (HowHow – JeJe) [S]

Speaking exercise

last time I play 3rd person shooter with Jeje, he said lets play now and I go into the game. first i went to a tiny house and there was a uzi and some ammo and there was a trousers and I put it on. When I was put it on I saw my underwear. The underwear is beautiful. Next I went on a road and i saw a car. I sat in it and I drove to a beach. I saw there were a lot of enemies and they shot my car and my car was not broken and I drove to another beach and I saw there was a lot of good people at there so they sat in my car but my car just can sit 6 peoples but there were 10 peoples there and the 6 people sat in my car and they took their guns and when I drove to the enemy’s beach they use guns to shot them, and they dead. At last the other 4 good people found a car at the enemy’s beach and they drove it too.

last time I played the 3rd person shooter game with Jeje, he said lets play now and I went into the game. first i went to a tiny house and there was an uzi and some ammo and there were some trousers and I put them on. When I was putting it on I saw my underwear which was beautiful. Next I went on a road and i saw a car. I sat in it and I drove to a beach. I saw there were a lot of enemies and they shot my car but my car was not destroyed so I drove to another beach and I saw there were a lot of good people there so they sat in my car but my car could just seat 6 people but there were 10 people there and the 6 people sat in my car and they pointed their guns outside and when I drove to the enemy’s beach they shot them, and they all died. At last the other 4 good people found a car at the enemy’s beach and they drove it too.


point a gun at a person
eg. the bad man pointed his gun at me and said “give me your money”

broken / break 
eg. I broke the pen so now it is broken
destroyed / destroy  
eg. they shot my car and destroyed it. Now it is destroyed.

the car seats a number of people
eg. my car seated 10 people but there were too many

tiny – very very small
eg. the mouse is tiny but the ant is smaller

some trousers – some pants – some clothes

considerate – to think of other people and how they might feel
eg. Howard is not considerate when he plays with Jesse’s things. He is inconsiderate.

well behaved – to follow instructions and try to be a good boy
eg. Howhow is sometimes well behaved but sometimes he is not.