VIP Class Notes (George)[W]


write about 3 challenges from “Fear Factor”

Writing exercise

in the future, i want a archologist, because i like all about history work. i can fix the ancient utensils and the work is not boring. like the math teacher. it’s all about letters. history is interesting, we can know many history knowledge.

we can fix the ancient utensils or excavation of dinosaur fossils. i can know about in the ancient times. what are they play, their clothes or jade. the simple clothes or the king clothes. what do they eat? they eat noodles? meat? or rice? what are the wapon, knife or spear?


in the future, i want to be an archaeologist, because i like all about history work. i can fix the ancient utensils and the work is not boring. like the math teacher. it’s all about letters. history is interesting, we can know a lot of history knowledge.

we can fix the ancient utensils or excavation of dinosaur fossils. i can know about the ancient times. what did they play, their clothes or jade. the simple clothes or the king‘s clothes. what do they eat? they eat noodles? meat? or rice? what are the weapon, knife or spear?


Fear: 害怕