VIP Class Notes (George)[R/S]

Today we focused on:

reading his article about insects

Speaking exercise

insects can messages and they can messages with wings and sound and touch and light.

insects has 6 legs and 3 parts and wings for fly.  like firefly they messages it’s light. cricket can messages it’s sound with legs. mosquitos messages it’s sound of wings. ants messages it’s touch.

insects can send messages and they can send messages with wings and sound and touch and light.

insects has 6 legs and 3 parts and wings to fly.  like firefly their messages are light. cricket can send messages with sound of legs. mosquitos send messages with sound of wings. ants send messages with touch.


message :信息
giving someone information without talking
ex: I can send messages to my friends

mosquito : 蚊

cricket : 蟋蟀

firefly: 萤火虫