VIP Class Notes (George) [S]


Try and watch the movie The Hangover Part 1&2 宿醉2 的海报


Fluently- (liu li) When you can speak a language easily and comfortably.

e.g. I am fluent in English and Chinese OR I can speak English and Chinese fluently.

Customers/Clients- (kehu) Someone who comes to you to buy something or get a service.

e.g. I have many clients who call me everyday to book their travel plans/schedules.

Nightlife- What people do in a city at night, especially dancing at clubs.

e.g. Bangkok has a very busy nightlife.

Private- When something is not available to everyone.

e.g. Whenever I travel, I make sure that I have a private bathroom.

Opposite- Something that is the completely different thing.

e.g. Cold is the opposite of hot.

Experience- When you see, hear, and feel something for the first time.

e.g. I went to Bangkok to experience the crazy nightlife.

Thing- (Dong Xi)

e.g. When I arrived in Bangkok, I first checked into the hotel and left my things in the hotel room

Take- When you bring something with you OR when you do something OR how much time something needs

e.g. Every morning I take my phone with me to work/ I took a shower this morning but I still smell bad/ I took the subway to work this morning and I was late for half an hour.

Leave- when you change one place to another OR when you change place and don’t bring a thing with you

e.g. I left my hometown to move to Shanghai to find a job/ I left my keys at home this morning so I can’t get in my house.

Disgusting- When something tastes or smells very bad.

e.g. I don’t like Durian, I think it’s disgusting.


fliently- flew-ent-lee

Speaking exercise


Lately I went to Bangkok, Thailand four days. To eat delicious food, to visit (canguan) the temple and the museum, the palace (huang gong).  Bangkok not near the sea, it’s in the city. (Phuket) By myself.


Recently, I went to Bangkok by myself for four days. I ate  delicious food,  visited (canguan) the temple,museum, and the palace (huang gong).  Bangkok is not near the sea, it’s a city. (Phuket).