VIP Class Notes (George)

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Dynasty-A group of people or a family that rules a country for many years.

e.g. I bought a new video game that is about the Song Dynasty and how they ruled China.

Detail- How good or bad something looks because of its graphics.

e.g. My computer is very powerful so I can use the highest graphics. The level of detail is amazing!

Complain- When people say all the bad the things that happen to them.

e.g. My students often complain about the difficulties in their lives.

Raise- When your company increase your salary, makes it higher.

e.g. This month, my boss gave me a raise so I’m very happy.

Amount- How many of one thing.

e.g. On Taobao, they ask you to make sure of the amount you’re buying.

Cost of living- How much it costs to live somewhere.

e.g. The cost of living in Hong Kong is one of the highest in the world.

Save- When you don’t use or spend something

e.g. I usually save a lot of my salary every month.

Colony- When one country goes to another and control it.

e.g. Hong Kong used to be an English colony.

I think people who have two jobs work too hard and are too tired.

I don’t think I could do that. I need free time,

OR I need time to relax/rest.

I think one day is not enough.

I think the money you gave me is not enough.