VIP Class Notes (George)


Cartilage- The material in your body that prevents the bones from rubbing with each other. Found usually in the joints.

e.g. When you have arthritis, it’s the cartilage that is slowly disappearing.

Joints- Parts of the body that connect two bones.

e.g. Old people usually have pain in their joints, especially during the winter.

Re-tune- When you have to re-adjust the sound from an instrument.

e.g. When I move my piano, I will have to get it re-tuned.

Living out of a suitcase- When you are always traveling and don’t really have access to your permanent things.

e.g. Flight attendants usually complain they are living out of a suitcase because they travel so often.

Paternity Leave- The period of time your employer legally needs to give fathers off work.

Essay- A piece of writing

e.g. In college, I had to write many essays every week.

Michelin- The organization that gives starts to very good restaurants.

Cordon Blue- The world’s most famous cooking school located in France.