VIP Class Notes (George) [S]


Write a short review about DESTINY (the movie you just watched) and try and talk about specific reasons you liked or did not like it. Also include a short summary of it for your reader.

Next Class Focus

Review some of this and last last class’ vocabulary.


Standard practice-  When something  is done regularly or according to normal procedure.

e.g. It is standard practice to review every employee once a month.

Wither away-when something slowly fades and gets weaker.

e.g. The flowers I left in the vase withered away and died.

Morale- The level of satisfaction or dissatisfaction within a group of people.

e.g. Recently, morale in our company has been quite low, people are not motivated to do anything.

Charisma-  a quality of a person that makes other people like him or her. It’s a very important trait for leaders.

e.g. Obama had a lot of charisma, many people would always listen to what he had to say.

Meme- when a picture or something goes viral and is then used to express emotions or feelings.

e.g. Yao Ming’s face became a very famous meme, probably the best known one in China.

Speaking exercise


We did a pilot of this campaign. The outcome is really good for the pilot, the boss decided to do on a weekly base, these days all of our team for doing this regular campa, this is online, and we need to fix some bugs, and need to optimise the whole customer experience and also need to pick some flash sale products to calculate the margin well, just everything come we need to figure it out in a weekly.  Our team we have 4 members,  we are short of labour. one of our team members just left. 


We conducted a pilot campaign and the outcome was really good. Our boss decided to do it on a weekly basis, these days all of our team were doing this regular campaign, this is online, and we need to fix some bugs, and need to optimize the whole customer experience. We also need to pick some flash sale products to calculate an acceptable margin, just everything come we need to figure it out in a weekly basis.  Our team we had 6 members, but one left so now we are short handed and have to take on additional responsibilities.