VIP Class Notes (George) [W]


Put the unfamiliar vocabulary from the article you found on the homework page.


Russian Federation-  Russia’s full name.

Acronyms- ASAP – each letter represents a word.

e.g. asap,as soon as possible, brb, be right back, gtg, got to go, wtf, what the f*ck, lol, laugh out loud omg, oh my god,  bc, because btw, by the way, tbh, to be honest, fyi, for your information, PRC, People’s Republic of China

bcs = because


Writing exercise


The hustle and bustle in our daily life never seems to end/stop.

We barely ever have/get a moment to take a deep breath/breathe deeply and reset our sensations.

This yoga class will allow us/ give us the opportunity/moment to rejuvenate our minds and bodies.

Simply listen to the sound of your breath and let it guide you.

If you listen closely, you’ll hear the sound of wisdom and compassion inside you.

Please fold your hands in front of your heart and chant Ohm three times together.

We use ujjiayi breath to generate heat and help us concentrate during the practice.

We slightly close our vocal cords to make an aspirating sound through our nose as we breathe in and out.

Make sure the sound of your wujiayi breath is soft, long, and smooth.