VIP Class Notes (Freda)


go dutch = AA 制

half-day break

Switzerland / Swiss

boba tea = milk tea

e.g. Swiss cheese

dizzy = feeling that you are turning around in circles and are going to fall even though you are standing still

sober = 未醉 Qing xing

escort = 护送

sip = 小口喝

dump : e.g. I dumped Michael because he’s not worth it.

sincere = 真诚的

anatomy = 解剖

count down = 倒计时

hilarious = 令人捧腹的

prophecy = 预言

tarot card = 罗牌

legal examiner

criminal = 罪犯

chemistry = 化学

physics = 物理学

knit = 编织

e.g. You scarf is well-knitted.

deja vu = 似曾经历过的感觉


It was not good.

(always pay attention about tenses)

Speaking exercise

Do you cook? Because my family tradition is men have to cook and wash dishes, so I need to marry a man who can cook and listen to my orders to pass on this family tradition.

You need to look for some countdown events in Shanghai.


Talk about your family tradition and deja vu with Charles.