VIP Class Notes (Li)


Watch a video or listen to a podcast of your choice.


efficient – to work very quickly and effectively

ex. The new system is efficient but does make some errors.

schedule is tight/packed 

goal-oriented – driven by goals

ex. Several members of the team are goal-oriented and motivated.

fulfilment – to succeed in achieving (something)

fulfilled – verb

overseas/abroad – in other countries


achieve goals

set a goal/target

the eldest – oldest

the youngest 

the most different 

the biggest difference 

helpful to children

Speaking exercise

I will attend a coding class with different languages.

I will attend a coding camp to learn a new language.

The framework is here so we have to change some items

The framework is roughly the same so we only have to change some items.

It’s not easy but it’s logical and interesting

I like to go further

I like to go in depth 

When I learn the other language, I had to prepare a project I had to prepare a website. Now it’s different, I have to prepare an app.

When I learnt the other language, I had to prepare a project I had to build/make a website. Now it’s different, I have to build/make an app.

When I have goal it’s easier for me to achieve.

When I set myself a goal it’s easier for me to achieve it.

I must not give up.

I must be certified.

When children grows up

When children grow up 

Less dependent on parents 

Less reliant on parents 

I volunteer in the French school two days a week to help the staff with student activities.

This makes me feel helpful.

This makes me feel fulfilled.

To know that I’m helping for good things.

To know that I’m helping for a good cause.

It’s not a good place for me to be in 

It was a toxic environment to be in 

open mindset
