VIP Class Notes (Ally)[S]

Next Class Focus

Memorize your vocabulary and do another funny role play

Today we focused on:

We did some interesting role-plays today


qualify: (v)zi ge/ he ge (adj)qualified (n) qualifications

wrist: shou wan

humble: qian xu

sidewalk: bian dao

cross-road/intersection: (v) intersect (n) shi zi lu kou

tricky: nan tao

procedure: small surgery / bu zhou

statement: sheng ming (v) state

clueless: no idea, dumb

ensure (v): to make sure

gracefully (adv): you ya de

harass: são rao

mumble: guru guru, yu wu lun ci


– while for contrast, as = when.. when..
ie. While Annie ate gracefully, Ally ate like a cow.
ie. As her age increased, Annie got prettier.
ie. While I worked hard, my coworkers slacked off. (contrast, difference)
ie. When I work hard, I (would) feel hungry. (only time)
ie. As I work harder, my salary gets higher. (change at the same time)
ie. During work hours/my time in the office, I made lots of friends./I always work hard. (“during …hour/time” = period of time, something happened)
ie. I don’t like people who interrupt me during work./when I work/when I’m working. (during +concept of work)

prize vs award
– prize = lucky
– award = work

get = almost there
ie. I’m getting scared = I’m about to get scared = I’m starting to feel scared

Speaking exercise

I went out my company..
I left my office at 5.

This is an example of flattery. (n)

Being likable to leaders/managers is one of the most important qualifications to win this award./for (winning) this award.
Being liked by leaders/managers makes me qualified for this award.

When Ally is/gets angry, Annie will give her an embrace.

Last night when he drank too much/he was drunk/he got drunk, he twisted his ankle on the sidewalk.

When Annie eat gradually, her weight increased exponentially.
As Annie gradually ate more and more, her weight increased exponentially.

Q: How to ask for directions in the workplace?
A: Hi xxx. Can I ask some questions? Ally gave me a new client, but I have no idea about how to serve the client. Would you mind tell me something about the client to make sure I can provide the best service to the client. Please send me some information about the client. Thank you.
A: Hi xxx. Today I received a new client from Ally, who already left our department. I have a lot of questions on this client, because I was not given any background information. To ensure that I can provide the best service to the client/to ensure quality client service, please tell me how to proceed. I would need/I need information on …… of the client. 

Q: How to explain to your boyfriend that you have an important client (kind of) harassing you at work (but you have to keep talking to him on WeChat) (He caught you liao sao)
A: Listen to me. We just client relations. You have trust me I won’t any bad thing. This is not true. If I reject him, it is bad for my job. I just response him. If he didn’t get message from me, I will lost my job, because he is very important to our company. Baby, you know I’m still a newbie (noob) in this company where I have been working for a long time. This will be my only opportunity to get promoted/a promotion in 10 years.
A: Listen to me. We only have client relations.


You have trust me I won’t any bad thing. This is not true. If I reject him, it is bad for my job. I just response him. If he didn’t get message from me, I will lost my job, because he is very important to our company. Baby, you know I’m still a newbie (noob) in this company where I have been working for a long time. This will be my only opportunity to get promoted/a promotion in 10 years.