VIP Class Notes (Ally)[S]


Use some of the vocabulary from today in some writing. Choose a topic that lets you use the words we learned.


corny: disgusting/ cute in a disgusting way/ outdated

trite: 老生常谈的; 陈腐的; 老一套的 (more for the arts … ie. TV movies poetry etc.)

cliche: 陈词滥调 / classic stereotype  (n /adj)
ie. Avoid common cliches in your writing.
ie. He is such a cliche. (We’ve seen so many annoying people like him before, he’s not special)

precarious: dangerous, unstable, can collapse at any moment
ie. The diplomatic relationship between the US and China is very precarious at the moment.

preposterous: vvvvvv ridiculous

tabloid article: news about gossip of celebrity
ie. I read a tabloid article on Kate Middleton.

indefinitely: without deadline
ie. We are supposed to work from home indefinitely.

interfere: 干涉; 干预; 介入  (n) interference

superficial:  shallow , 粗略的; 肤浅的; 粗枝大叶的; 浅薄的; 表面的; 外面的; 外表的

clique: 派系; 私党; 小集团; 小圈子
ie. She wanted to fit in to Natalie’s clique, but Natalie won’t allow it.

gushing: 过分热情的; 过分赞扬的; 夸张地表现感情的 “awwwwwwwwwwww”
ie. Natalie is always gushing over hot intelligent guys.

anomaly: 异常事物; 反常现象


“going out of their way”

Speaking exercise

The taxi bill should be over 100 …
The taxi fare was probably over 100 …

We went to a trip we went to HZ
We went on a trip to HZ

She couldn’t put the luggage on the luggage trail
She couldn’t lift the luggage onto luggage rack

gossip hasn’t ended

you have your own group to play with
you have your own clique

she did one thing
she did something big/ridiculous/unimaginable/expected

I don’t have any threat to her
I don’t pose any threats to her
I’m not a threat

threaten = make a threat
ie. Trump threatened China
ie. Trump made a threat

questions that are very long and big…
very time-consuming questions


sunday not “songday”
