VIP Class Notes (Ally)


graphics – how important is it? before? now? future?


facilitate: 促进; 促使; 使便利
ie. The technical designer’s job is to facilitate the works of level designer, character designer, system designers and other colleagues.

systematic: 成体系的; 系统的; 有条理的; 有计划有步骤的

assistant: the person who helps someone especially

coordinate: (v)使协调; 使相配 (n) map coordinates 坐标

outlook: 展望

fulfill: 履行;实现;满足;使结束

interactive: 合作的; 相互影响的; 互相配合的; 交互式的; 人机对话的; 互动的;

pores: 毛孔;气孔

Speaking exercise

generalize two or more works into one completed efficient process.
generalize two or more tasks into one complete, efficient process.

the type of attack aren’t satisfied by the level designer
the level designer isn’t satisfied with the type of attack
the type of attack doesn’t fit the requirements/expectations of the level designer

when he wants to use this character, but the character designer doesn’t finish it
when he wants to use this character, but the character designer hasn’t finished it

design a new editing tool

the game industry needs industrial mode to make game.
to be more efficient, we need a more industrial mode of game design.

In the future, there will many needs for this job.
In the future, there will be a large demand for this job.

Firstly, you need project management skills, the management of the project. Secondly, you need to know simple code-writing skills. Thirdly, you need to love game, and know why the game designed like this. And finally, you need to have a creative mind.

the programmer will finish the needs of/on the document.
the programmer will complete/fulfill the needs listed on the document.

The project begin to add a lot of minds into it. We have a meeting to talk about which elements can be added into the game.

“What part is the most interesting?”
“What part are you most interested in?”

I think doing one thing best is important.
I think it’s better to be the best at doing one thing./to do one thing at a time.

Writing exercise

The technical designer is a new job in game field. Although it has different working content between nation and abroad, the main object is to serve the content creator, not players. For example, if level designer and character designer have diffent process ,the technical disigner needs to generalize them into a new one and make them contented with new process, which makes the work more efficient and stable. When the team members meet the problem in the project , the technical designer is the first one to make plans to solve the problem. And I want to learn how to use the motion capture and virtual reality.They are the most advanced technology. The game will use these technology in the future to improve the performance of character and scenes.


