VIP Class Notes (Ally)


roomba: robot vacuüm

inherit: got something someone passed down

succeed(v): successor (n)继承人; 继任者; 接替者; 接替的事物; 后继的事物

overexert: 过度劳累

apparent: 显然的; 显然; 显而易见; 明白易懂; 貌似的; 表面上的;

dragging your feet: being very slow
ie. I emailed them yesterday about the change, but they’re still dragging their feet.

sluggish: 行动迟缓的; 缓慢的; 迟缓的; 懒洋洋的

bible: 圣经; 基督教的《圣经》

devout: 笃信宗教的; 虔诚的

celibate: 禁欲的; (尤指因宗教原因)不结婚的; 无性生活的;

karma: 因果报应
ie. It’s karma. Karma is waiting. Bad karma.

minority: 少数民族; 少数; 少数派; 少数人; 少数群体; 未成年 <>majority (>50%)
ie. The majority(>50%) of our company’s business is …


despite: (prep) + noun
ie. Despite my family’s opposition, I came to SH.
ie. Despite the fact that (+ sentence) I hate my boss, I still want to see the company succeed.

even + v, adj
ie. even worse, I don’t even care , even he can be a boss …

Speaking exercise

they’re really stressful because their boss has highly expectations for the business since few months ago.
they have been really stressed/are really stressed because their boss has been having/has been presenting them with/has been stressing them out with/has been showing high expectations for the business since a few months ago.

he was not satisfied with they are the leader in the China market
he was not satisfied with them being the leader in the China market (n)

he also wanted to take lead internationally in near future/be the leading brand in the international/global market

even we get this done
even though we got this done
even if we get this done, they still wouldn’t pay…

I have contact with their financial dept
I contacted their financial dept

they are talking/working on this for a while
they have been talking/working on this for a while


highly – lee

Writing exercise

Post-holiday syndrome is usually a variety of physical or psychological manifestations that people experience after a long holiday. For example, people feel bored and unmotivated in the days after the holidays, they are very unproductive, anxious, and could even experience a loss of appetite etc.


I think the biggest reason for these situations is that there is no plan for doing things during holiday, we usually eat whatever we want, sleep whenever we want, and the personal routine is very irregularly.

It has been proven that adjusting personal routine as soon as possible to the same as before the holiday is an effective way to quickly get rid of post-holiday syndrome. It is best to start adjusting three days before the end of the long holiday. At the same time, we also need to pay attention to maintain a light diet to reduce the burden on the stomach, because we usually eat a lot of greasy food during the long holiday.

However, the ideal way to keep people from suffering from post-holiday syndrome is to maintain a good, regular routine and diet even during the long holidays.